Ultrasound Timeline
Ultrasound scans are all performed at specific times during pregnancy to complement the size, development, and position of your baby. Below is a guide to show you which scans are available at what stage during your pregnancy.
Visual Heartbeat: from 6 weeks
See the heart beating
Length of Baby: from 8 weeks
See how long your baby is
Dates: from 8 weeks
We can check your date of conception and your expected due date (EDD) from 8 weeks into your pregnancy
Foetal Biometry: from 15 weeks
Head, tummy & femur measurements
Audible Heartbeat: from 16 weeks
See and hear the heart beating
Foetal Weight: from 28 weeks
An estimation of the weight of your unborn baby
Liquid Volume, Placenta, Presentation: from 32 weeks
Checking the position of baby and placenta, along with the volume of amniotic fluid
Our Scans
Early Scan
Reassurance Scan
Gender Scan
Ultimate Baby Scan Package
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