Privacy Policy


Our Privacy Pledge

Customer care and safety is our number one priority. We pledge that we will use your data safely and responsibly, according to the latest rules and regulations. We will make sure we collect and store your data securely. We also pledge to tell you exactly how we collect, store, and use your data. We recognise that it is your right to know how we use your personal information.

Data Subject The person a piece of data relates to. In this case, you – our customer and / or employee.
Personal Data – Any information relating to the ‘Data Subject’ (in this case, you) that can be used to identify you directly or indirectly.
Special Category Data – This includes many different types of data, including (but not limited to)
information about a person’s health, which is relevant in our case.
Data Controller – The person (or business) who decides the purpose for which, and the way in which, any personal data is to be processed.
Data Processor – Any person or business (other than an employee of the Data Controller) that processes data on behalf of the Data Controller. This can include third parties (such as IT service providers).
Consent A Data Subject’s clear agreement to the processing of their Personal Data for reasons outlined to them, clearly and unambiguously.
Data Protection Officer – Somebody who is given formal responsibility for data protection Compliance in a business. Not every business has to have one.
The Service – Pregnancy services provided by a clinic trading under the Hey Baby 4D Trademark, including (but not limited to) obstetric ultrasound and screening tests.
Us / We / Hey Baby 4D – Hayes Ultrasound Ltd (T/A Hey Baby 4D Hayes) and HB4D Ltd (the Franchisor, owner of the Hey Baby 4D Trademark and owner of the website).
You – Any customer and / or employee of the Hey Baby 4D brand.

How You Benefit

These are some of the ways you will benefit from sharing your data with Hey Baby 4D. Firstly, the well-being of you and your baby is paramount. As our service is medical, we collect and store your personal data, such as your name, email address, address, your age and some key information about your health and pregnancy. On rare occasions, we may be required to share your data with your NHS care provider to ensure that in the event of us identifying any problem, you receive the correct care. You will be given the opportunity to tell us whether or not you consent to this if this applies to you.

Secondly, your contact details allow us to get in touch prior to a scheduled appointment, such as to rearrange the date or let you know about a procedural update that may affect you. In addition, we strive to improve our services, so we may get in touch after your appointment to ask you for feedback on your experience.

Thirdly, we value customer loyalty. Many of our customers choose to access our services on multiple occasions throughout their pregnancy. By way of thanks for your loyalty, we may contact you occasionally to inform you of exclusive promotions and / or discounts. We pledge not to contact you in this way any more than 3 times in a calendar month.

You Are In Control

You have the right to request a copy of the data we hold about you at any time. If the data we hold about you is incorrect, you can email us at [email protected] to let us know what needs updating and we will correct it.

If you would like to stop receiving communications from us, you can review and amend your preferences at any time by emailing [email protected] with the subject line “Unsubscribe”.

Our Privacy Policy

Hey Baby 4D is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected, and that the information held by us is secure. To prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have physical and electronic procedures in place to safeguard and secure the information we collect from Data Subjects, including their online details.

Informed Consent

This Privacy Notice is supported by an Informed Consent Form, which all customers are required to read, understand, and sign prior to accessing the Service. This enables Hey Baby 4D to process your Personal Data and Special Category Data for the purposes of providing the Service to you. We endeavour to provide you with access to our privacy policy at various stages of your communications with us, which enables you to review the information at your own convenience, both before and after your appointment.

Your Rights

  1. The right to access your Personal Data and supplementary information that we hold.
  2. The right to have any inaccurate personal data rectified or completed if it is incomplete. You can make a request for rectification in writing to us at [email protected]. We will respond to a request within a maximum of one calendar month.
  3. You have the right to have your Personal Data erased. This is also known as the ‘right to be forgotten’. The right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances. You have the right to have your Personal Data erased if:
    1. the Personal Data is no longer necessary for the purpose which we originally collected or processed it for;
    2. we are relying on your Consent as the lawful basis for holding the data, and you withdraw your Consent;
    3. we are relying on legitimate interests as our basis for processing, you object to the processing of your data, and there is no overriding legitimate interest to continue this processing;
    4. we are processing your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes and you object to that processing;
    5. we have processed your Personal Data unlawfully (i.e. in breach of the Data Protection Act 2018); or
    6. we must do it to comply with a legal obligation
  4. You have the right to restrict the processing of your Personal Data where you have a particular reason for wanting the restriction. This may be because you have issues with the content of the information that we hold or how we have processed it. In most cases, we will not be required to restrict the processing of your Personal Data indefinitely, but we will need to have the restriction in place for a certain period of time.
  5. You have the right to obtain and reuse your Personal Data from us for your own purposes across different services. If you exercise this right, we will help you to move, copy or transfer your data easily from one IT environment to another in a safe and secure way, without hindrance to usability.
  6. You have the right to object to:
    1. the processing of your data based on legitimate interests or the performance of a task in
      the public interest/exercise of official authority (including profiling);
    2. direct marketing (including profiling); and;
    3. processing for purposes of scientific/historical research and statistics.

Why Do We Collect Personal Data?

We collect Personal Data to enable us to carry out the work of Hey Baby 4D in providing the Service, allowing customers to book the Service through our dedicated website and to access the Service at our physical location(s). Processing this information is necessary to meet our contractual, regulatory and legal obligations as a medical service provider.

When booking the Service with Hey Baby 4D, you provide Consent to Hey Baby 4D processing your information in line with this Privacy Policy. Customers have the right to refuse to provide this Consent, however it should be noted that if you fail to provide the information required for us to provide the Service to you, we may be unable to fulfil the contract for the provision of services. Customers have the right to withdraw their Consent to us processing their Personal Data at any time and this can be done by submitting a data request to [email protected], but again this may affect our ability to deliver the Service.

As a responsible employer, Hey Baby 4D will collect Personal Data from potential employees, obtaining references and all other relevant information ascertaining their employment. Hey Baby 4D will process this Personal Data relating to its employees in connection with their individual contracts of employment and to comply with its legal obligations as an employer. Employees have the right to refuse consent or to withdraw their consent at any time. It must be noted, however, that this may affect their employment with Hey Baby 4D.

How Do We Use Your Personal Data?

  • We will use the information collected from customers to enable the booking of, and carrying out of, the Service.
  • Where a referral to a healthcare provider is required, we may provide a customer’s Personal Data to the relevant healthcare provider about any irregularities we detect, with their Consent.
  • We will use Personal Data for our own internal record keeping.We may use Personal Data to improve our products and services.
  • We use information about our employees to perform our duties and legal obligations as an employer.
  • We use Personal Data to provide customers with the opportunity to provide feedback on the quality of the service they have received.
  • As an organisation committed to progression and excellence, we may want to use a customer’s Personal Data to send promotional communications about new products, special offers or other information which we think they may find valuable. Sometimes, we may also use a customer’s information to contact them for internal market research purposes and use the information they provide to customise our website and / or services according to their interests and feedback. Before we use a customer’s information in this way, we will ask for their agreement and obtain Consent to do this.
  • We may collect and store IP addresses for the purpose of Facebook marketing. This information is used solely for targeting advertisements and analysing trends, and will not be shared with third parties unless required by law.

Categories of Data Held

We may collect and process the following categories of information about you:

  • Your contact details and birthdate (including email address, name, D.O.B., telephone number and postal address).
  • Information about your pregnancy and pregnancy history (including gestational age and information pertinent to the delivery of the Service).
  • Information about your transaction including your payment card details. When you pay for your chosen services in one of our clinics through our website, payments made are processed through a secure payment portal operated by a third party. We do not hold any of your payment card details.
  • The communications you exchange with us (for example, your emails, letters, calls, or your online messages).
  • Your feedback When you provide feedback through any medium, we will use this information to improve our services and train our staff.
  • Your IP address: We collect and process IP addresses for the purpose of Facebook marketing, to tailor advertisements and promotional content to your interests. All collected information is handled in compliance with applicable privacy laws and is used solely for enhancing your experience with our services.
  • For employees, we will collect the information needed for their personnel record which includes (but is not limited to) National Insurance number, ethnic origin, gender, disability, health details, bank details, next of kin, references, proof of qualifications and proof of right to work in the UK.

Sensitive Data

In providing the service to you, we may collect information that could reveal your racial or ethnic origin, physical or mental health. Such information is considered “sensitive personal data” under the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and other data protection laws. We only collect this information where you have given your explicit consent, it is necessary to fulfil our contract with you or you have deliberately made it public.

For example, we may collect this information in the following circumstances:

  1. For your safety, when you have informed us of a specific medical condition that we should be aware of prior to providing the Service to you.
  2. Information about your current and previous pregnancies is vital to providing you with the best possible care for your needs. This enables us to be well informed prior to providing the Service to you.
  3. Where you explicitly agree that we may collect and use your Personal Data in order to provide the Service and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You can be sure that we will never use any sensitive information for any form of marketing or profiling purposes. We will only share this information with your NHS care provider if you have provided Consent for us to do so, or where we are obligated to do so by law.

If you do not allow us to process any sensitive personal data, this may mean we are unable to provide all or parts of the Service that you have requested from us.

Who May We Share Personal Information With?

There may be occasions when we are legally required to share information with statutory agencies such as the Police, Local Authorities, Courts or HMRC. This may be in relation to criminal or civil proceedings, safeguarding or fraud. Information can be shared without a Data Subject’s consent in these circumstances.

  • Hey Baby 4D uses a third party booking system to enable the convenient booking of appointments online, through our website and social media platforms, and to process online payments. This third party is subject to a separate privacy policy which can be reviewed here.
  • As we highly value transparent feedback on our services, we may invite you to review your experience on a trusted third-party review platform. These third parties are considered Data Processors and are subject to separate privacy policies which are listed on their own websites.
  • For employees, we will not share personal information with third parties without their consent where it does not relate to their responsibilities as an employee, or our obligations as an employer. For example, there may occasions when we are requested for information about an employee from financial organisations, for instance, if they are applying for a mortgage. Before providing any details, we will obtain consent to do this.
  • There may be other occasions when we are requested to provide your Personal Data, and we will seek explicit Consent to do this prior to any actions being taken.

How Long Do We Store Your Data?

In accordance with the Records Management Code of Practice for Health & Social Care 2016, we keep customer details and the documents and / or files associated with their booking for a period of 8 years after their appointment.

Images and videos obtained during the provision of the Service will be held for a period of 1 year, unless we have received explicit Consent from you to use these images and / or videos for marketing purposes, in which case we will keep these files for as long as they are relevant.

For employees, we will retain Personnel Records and Employee Contracts for 6 years after employment ends or Termination. We will retain retirement and pensions records permanently.

How To Access Your Data

All Data Subjects have the right to make a Data Subject Access Request to receive a copy of the information we hold about them. No payment is required, and we will provide the information within one month of receiving and verifying the request.

To request a copy of the information we hold, a data request should be submitted via email to [email protected].

In order to release the information, we will need:

  • The Data Subject’s full name, address and date of birth
  • A copy of identification, e.g. a driving licence, passport or other photographic ID

What Is Non-Accessible Information?

We will be completely open about the information we keep on a Data Subject, but there are certain limits
to what we can legally provide access to. For example, we will not provide information:

  • About other people or businesses;
  • That needs the permission of the person(s) who gave it to us before we can share it; or
  • That may cause harm to a Data Subject, their business or another person and their business, if we released the information.

We will inform a Data Subject if there is any information that we cannot share with them.

Issues and Complaints

The Data Protection Officer should be contacted via [email protected] to log any issues or complaints. If we are unable to satisfy your request, you should contact the Information Commissioner’s Office and ask them to look at the procedures we are following.

Their contact details are:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Whycliffe House, Water Lane

Wilmslow, Cheshire


T: 01625 545 745

Further information about the work of the Information Commissioner and about data protection can be found at

About This Notice

This Notice and the associated Informed Consent Form are provided to patients and customers during online booking and to employees and, where relevant, subcontracted service providers, at the point of Contract offer.

A copy is also available:

  • To all customers and members of staff via the Hey Baby 4D website
  • Upon request via the Hey Baby 4D privacy centre

Website Access and Usage

Our websites use cookies – a cookie is a small file which asks for the Data Subject’s permission to be placed on a computer’s hard drive. Once authorised, the file is added and the cookie helps to analyse web traffic or lets us know when a Data Subject visits one of our sites. Cookies allow web applications to respond to a Data Subject as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to their needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about their preferences.

We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us to analyse data about webpage traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to our customer’s needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.

Overall, cookies help us to provide our customers with a better website experience, by enabling us to monitor which pages they find useful and which they do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to another person’s computer or any information about them, other than the data they choose to share with us.

Customers can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but browser settings can be modified to decline cookies. This may prevent a customer from taking full advantage of the website.

Book your pregnancy scan in Hayes online or call us today